Soil and Potting Mixes

Here, you’ll find in-depth information on soil composition, ideal substrates for different plant types, soil preparation techniques, and solutions for common nutrient and pH issues. Our articles cover topics such as soil aeration, drainage, potting mixes types, and the significance of organic matter. This section serves as your reliable tool to understand the solid foundation that underpins your plants’ success, aiding in optimizing their growth and health.

DIY: The Perfect Substrate for Indoor Plants

DIY: The Perfect Potting Mix for Indoor Plants

Raquel Patro

Discover how to create the perfect potting mix for indoor plants to thrive at home. Unleash your inner gardener with our DIY guide!

Os grânulos brancos ou acinzentados em substratos para suculentas geralmente são perlita e vermiculita, respectivamente.

Discover the Secrets of the Perfect Homemade Potting Mix for Your Succulents!

Raquel Patro

Discover the ideal substrate for your succulents and how to cultivate them healthily in pots or beds. Practical and useful tips for successful succulent cultivation.

The Importance of Mulching for Perpetually Fertile Soil

Raquel Patro

Discover the vital role of mulching in cultivating lush soil. Explore benefits, techniques, and eco-friendly materials for thriving gardens.