Mosaic Plant

Ludwigia sedioides

Raquel Patro

Updated in

The mosaic plant (Ludwigia sedioides) is an aquatic, herbaceous plant species, ideal for the edges of small ponds and tanks. Native to Brazil and Venezuela, it is characterized by the beautiful radial symmetry effect of its foliage, which fits together like a mosaic. During the day, its rosettes are more open, with space between the leaves, but at night, its branches contract, bringing the little leaves closer together.

Its leaves are small and delicate, floating, with a diamond shape and serrated margins. They can be green or reddish in color. Despite the floating appearance, the mosaic plant roots in the soil at the bottom of the pond or in pots. In other words, just like the water lilies, it needs a good substrate to grow and will not thrive in very deep areas.

It blooms in the winter, producing small and delicate yellow flowers with a cup shape and four petals, above the foliage. After flowering, it produces capsule-type fruits with explosive dehiscence, which, when mature, open and release numerous seeds into the distance.

When planning the use of the mosaic plant, consider that it reaches a height of 4 to 12 inches (10 to 30 cm), so it should be located near the natural edges of a lake or in shallow bodies of water. Despite being a native plant, it has invasive characteristics in certain situations and produces many seeds. Therefore, be cautious when using it in tanks that connect with natural watercourses to avoid accidental dispersion in the environment.

Use the mosaic plant in small groups or mixed with other aquatic plants, creating a delicate focal point in lakes and tanks that are admired from above. Planting it near decks and under bridges is interesting. By shading the water, it provides natural shelter for wildlife such as small fish and amphibians. However, its use is not recommended in lakes with larger fish, such as carp, which can quickly damage its delicate branches.

The mosaic plant should be grown in aquatic environments, under full sun, in fertile substrate enriched with organic matter. It does not tolerate alkaline water with a pH above 8. It appreciates heat and tropical humidity. It can be propagated by seed and division of rooted branches.

About Raquel Patro

Raquel Patro is a landscaper and founder of the Since 2006, she has been developing specialized content on plants and gardens, as she believes that everyone, whether amateurs or professionals, should have access to quality content. As a geek, she likes books, science fiction and technology.