Pink Shower Tree

Cassia grandis

Raquel Patro

Updated in

Pink Shower Tree - Cassia grandis

The Pink Shower Tree (Cassia grandis) is a deciduous and flowering tree, widely used in urban landscaping for its beauty, rapid growth, and hardiness. It is considered medium to large in size, with the tallest individuals reaching 98 feet (30 meters) in height, though on average they do not exceed 66 feet (20 meters). The trunk can be single or multiple, is twisted, short, about 26 feet (8 meters) tall, cylindrical, and can reach a diameter of 39 inches (100 cm).

The bark is brown, fissured, and has a rough texture, with little peeling. The canopy is broad, about 26 feet (8 meters) in diameter, with an irregular distribution of branches. The leaves are compound, paripinnate, with 8 to 20 pairs of oblong, hairy leaflets, most of which fall during the dry season or winter. Flowering occurs between August and November (late winter and spring in South America), with the tree almost entirely leafless.

Flowers of the Pink Shower
Flowers of the Pink Shower

The inflorescences are axillary, raceme-type, with pinkish-yellow, hermaphroditic, and very showy flowers. The resulting fruit is a large, woody, brown, indehiscent, cylindrical pod, 4 to 24 inches (11 to 60 cm) long, containing numerous brown, oval seeds. In landscaping, the Pink Shower Tree is ideal for large spaces such as parks, squares, and estates. Its exuberant flowering stands out in the landscape, attracting the attention of observers.

Its growth is considered moderate to fast and it tolerates pruning. It is not advisable to use it for sidewalk landscaping under power lines or in small residential gardens due to the species’ large size. It is also advisable to keep it at a safe distance from buildings, underground pipes, and pavements due to the potential damage caused by its roots. It is a honey-producing species that attracts wildlife due to the sweet pulp of its pods.

Legume fruit.
Legume fruit. Photo by Mauricio Mercadante.

Due to its high regrowth capacity, with multiple trunks, it can also be used as a living fence, especially in pasture areas. It should be cultivated in full sun, in preferably fertile, deep soil, enriched with organic matter and regularly irrigated in the first years after planting. It is resistant to short periods of drought, provided they do not exceed 4 months. It does not tolerate intense cold or frost.

The pink shower tree propagates by seeds, which should be scarified to break dormancy and planted in moist soil. This way, they germinate within 60 days. Nine-month-old seedlings can be transplanted to their final location. At the time of transplanting, maintain a spacing of at least 13 feet (4 meters) between trees. The first flowering can be observed about 10 years after planting.

Bark of Pink Shower Tree
Bark of Pink Shower Tree. Photo by Mauricio Mercadante.

About Raquel Patro

Raquel Patro is a landscaper and founder of the Since 2006, she has been developing specialized content on plants and gardens, as she believes that everyone, whether amateurs or professionals, should have access to quality content. As a geek, she likes books, science fiction and technology.