The Sponge Gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca) is a summer annual climbing plant from the Cucurbitaceae family (the same family as cucumbers, watermelons, and pumpkins), renowned for providing a fibrous sponge derived from its fruits, highly useful for personal hygiene and general cleaning. Its stem is ascending and herbaceous, with tendrils, and its leaves are large, lobed, and toothed, covered with fine hairs. The Sponge Gourd is a monoecious plant (with both male and female flowers on the same individual) with yellow flowers. The female flowers are solitary and are distinguished by the presence of a delicate elongated ovary, resembling a small fruit. The male flowers are larger, more numerous, and appear in clusters. Pollination is carried out by bees.
The fruits are large, reaching up to 14 inches (35 cm). They are cylindrical, elongated, and can be smooth or angular, depending on the variety (like pumpkins). When young, they are green and turn brown when mature. The seeds are lenticular, numerous, large, and black. The green fruits (less than 2.4 inches or 6 centimeters) are edible and can be prepared like okra and cucumbers. Mature fruits can be harvested and peeled to obtain the sponge; however, dried fruits can also be utilized. By cutting one of its ends, the numerous seeds are easily released. Afterward, the fibrous sponge can be soaked and washed, then dried in the shade.
Whole, cut, or pressed, it can be used as a bath sponge, dish sponge, for general cleaning, and in crafts. The pressed sponge is widely used in the making of bath, beach, and cleaning items, such as massage gloves, scrubbers, hats, among other products. In industry, its fibers are used in the manufacture of filters and acoustic insulation. The sponge derived from the Luffa aegyptiaca is an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic sponges. It is an excellent exfoliant for the skin, completely biodegradable, harmless to the environment, does not scratch dishes, and is politically and socially correct, as it encourages family farming.
The Sponge Gourd should be cultivated in full sun in fertile, well-drained soil enriched with organic matter and regularly irrigated. The Sponge Gourd is a typically tropical plant, appreciating heat and humidity for its full development and abundant production. Monthly fertilization stimulates the formation of numerous and large fruits. Manual pollination of the flowers is important in commercial cultivation. It is not frost-tolerant. It multiplies easily by seeds sown in the spring. Harvesting begins in the fall, coinciding with the end of the plant’s cycle.