Golden Trumpet Tree

Handroanthus albus

Raquel Patro

Updated in

Golden trumpet tree

The Golden Trumpet Tree, species Handroanthus albus, belongs to the Bignoniaceae family and is noted for its remarkable beauty and ecological importance. This tree is native to Brazil and naturally occurs in various states including Bahia, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo. Beyond Brazilian borders, Handroanthus albus can also be found in northeastern Argentina and eastern Paraguay.

Its typical habitat includes the Atlantic Forest, seasonal semi-deciduous forests, Araucaria forests, and cerrados, predominantly along rivers and streams, and in the understories of pine forests, generally at altitudes ranging from 984 to 3,281 feet (300 to 1,000 meters). It is rarely seen in dense forests, which indicates its preference for more open and bright environments.

The genus name Handroanthus was named in honor of the Brazilian botanist Oswaldo Handro, recognized for his contributions to botany, particularly in the study of cerrado and Atlantic Forest plants. The suffix “anthus” comes from the Ancient Greek “ánthos”, meaning “flower”, thus forming “Handro’s flower”. The specific epithet “albus” is of Latin origin meaning “white”, referring to the whitish coloration found on the indumentum (hairs) that covers the young branches and the underside of the leaves of the species. This tomentose aspect gives Handroanthus albus a silvery or light appearance, especially noticeable during budding periods.

The beauty of the Yellow Trumpet Tree on the streets.
The beauty of the Golden Trumpet Tree on the streets. Photo by Luiz79.

The golden trumpet is a deciduous tree, with moderate growth rate, and classified as pioneer to early secondary. It can reach heights of 66 to 98 feet (20 to 30 meters), with a trunk straight or slightly twisted, measuring between 16 to 24 inches (40 to 60 centimeters) in diameter at breast height (DBH). The outer bark is grayish and has deep longitudinal fissures. The branches are thick, irregular, and tortuous, contributing to the formation of a high, dense, and rounded crown. The leaves are compound, opposite and digitate, usually with five to seven elliptical-lanceolate leaflets, measuring from 2.8 to 7.1 inches (7 to 18 centimeters) in length and 0.8 to 2.4 inches (2 to 6 centimeters) in width.

One feature that often distinguishes Handroanthus albus from other species is the white or whitish tomentum on new branches and leaves, imparting a silvery appearance to the newly sprouted foliage.​ The inflorescences of Handroanthus albus are of the terminal multifloral thyrsus type, ranging from 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters) or more in length, gathering vibrant yellow flowers that measure between 1.6 and 4 inches (4 to 10 centimeters). The species is hermaphroditic, having bisexual flowers. Blooming predominantly occurs during the dry season, varying by region: from June to September in Minas Gerais, from July to October in Paraná, from August to October in São Paulo, from August to November in Santa Catarina, from August to September in Rio de Janeiro, and in November in Rio Grande do Sul.

Detail of the leaves of Handroanthus albus
Detail of the leaves of Handroanthus albus. Photo by danielbernardes.

Pollination is performed by insects and birds, highlighted by carpenter bees (Bombus morio) and hummingbirds. The fruits are elongated, cylindrical, and dehiscent siliquae, measuring 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) in length and 0.6 to 1 inch (1.5 to 2.5 centimeters) in width, covered with golden hairs. The seeds are 0.8 to 1.2 inches (2 to 3 centimeters) long and 0.28 to 0.35 inches (7 to 9 millimeters) wide, and are winged, being dispersed by the wind (anemochory).

The wood of Handroanthus albus is recognized for its exceptional quality. With a density ranging between 0.90 and 1.15 g/cm³, it is characterized as heavy, hard, and compact, presenting high resistance to parasites and moisture. This remarkable durability makes it ideal for various applications in civil constructions, including structures for bridges, beams, frames, flooring, and staircases. Furthermore, it is widely used in the manufacture of high-quality furniture, musical instruments, doors, and windows. Its resistance to adverse conditions and the ability to maintain its physical properties over time solidify its reputation as a noble wood in the timber market.​

The Golden trumpet tree, also known as Brazilian Walnut, stands out both in urban landscaping and in the recovery of degraded areas, offering significant aesthetic and ecological benefits. Its striking flowering, combined with the ability to attract and sustain local fauna, reinforces the importance of its inclusion in tree planting and environmental restoration projects in various regions of Brazil.

Detail of the flowers
Detail of the flowers. Photo by Luiz79

The blooming of Handroanthus albus occurs between July and September, and it may occur more than once a year. This is when the tree loses its leaves and covers itself with vibrant yellow flowers, creating a visual spectacle that enriches residential gardens, parks, squares, and major avenues. Beyond the beauty of the flowers, their fall forms a golden carpet around the tree, adding an additional charm to green spaces.

It is particularly recommended for public roads, as it does not present surface (aggressive) roots, and provides shade in the summer while allowing light to pass through in the winter. The Golden trumpet tree pairs well with other species that bloom at different times of the year, creating a garden with continuous visual interest. Species like Brazilwood (Paubrasilia echinata) and Purple glory tree (Tibouchina granulosa) are ideal complements, offering a contrast of colors and textures.

Although Handroanthus albus can be grown in pots when young, it will eventually need to be transplanted to the ground, as it can reach considerable heights and requires space for the development of its roots. The presence of the golden trumpet tree in ecological restoration projects is beneficial not only for vegetation recovery but also for supporting local wildlife. Its flowers provide nectar for pollinators, while the fruits and seeds serve as food for various species of birds, including parakeets, bananaquits (Coereba flaveola), and tanagers (Thraupis spp.). This interaction contributes to the maintenance and balance of restored ecosystems.

In addition to its application in degraded areas, the golden trumpet tree is frequently used in the recomposition of riparian forests, due to its natural occurrence along rivers and streams. Besides its ornamental and ecological value, Handroanthus albus has traditional uses in folk medicine, especially among rural and indigenous communities in Brazil. Although these practices are widely spread, it is essential to consider that the therapeutic efficacy and safety of the medicinal use of Handroanthus albus still lack robust scientific validation in many aspects. See about the medicinal information in the box next to this.

Its trunk is more rectilinear compared to other yellow ipês.
Its trunk is more rectilinear compared to other yellow ipês. Photo by Luiz79.

The golden trumpet tree thrives in full sun environments, requiring cultivation in places with high incidence of direct sunlight throughout the day (at least 6 hours). It adapts well to tropical and subtropical climates, preferring average annual temperatures between 64°F (18°C) and 82°F (28°C). Although it tolerates thermal variations, it develops better in regions without severe frosts. Despite growing in poor soils, it prefers deep, well-drained substrates rich in organic matter. Sandy-loamy soils with good moisture retention capacity are ideal for its healthy growth.

For the planting of Handroanthus albus, it is recommended to use vigorous seedlings, preferably 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 cm) tall. The ideal spacing between the trees should be at least 13 feet (4 meters), allowing the full development of the crown. The planting cradle should be approximately 16 inches (40 cm) deep and wide, dug in a square shape (not circular), and enriched with organic matter to favor root development.

In the first years, it is crucial to keep the soil slightly moist, conducting regular watering, especially during drought periods. However, it is essential to avoid waterlogging, as excess water can harm the roots. Semi-annual fertilization with organic compost or balanced fertilizers (NPK 10-10-10) contributes to robust growth and abundant flowering.

Handroanthus albus
Photo by Valdison Aparecido Gil

Staking of young saplings is advisable to ensure vertical growth and to prevent damage caused by strong winds and vandalism, especially in public roads and squares, where there is higher pedestrian traffic. On sidewalks, it is advisable to leave a permeable area of at least 3 feet (one meter) in diameter around the sapling for proper water intake during rains.

Formative pruning is minimal and can be performed in the first few years to structure the canopy, while cleaning pruning, removing dry or diseased branches, is important to maintain the health of the tree. Maintenance includes removing invasive plants around the base and applying mulch to conserve soil moisture. Removing excess epiphytic plants may be beneficial for older and heavily infested trees, improving their appearance and allowing light to penetrate the branches.

Handroanthus albus shows significant resistance to various adverse conditions. It tolerates periods of drought once established, thanks to its deep root system. Although it withstands lower temperatures, severe frosts can damage young shoots. It is relatively resistant to moderate winds, especially when well-rooted. In coastal regions, it adapts well, provided it is protected from strong saline winds.

Despite its robustness, the golden trumpet tree may be susceptible to some pests and diseases. Insects such as borers and aphids can attack shoots and leaves, while fungal diseases like anthracnose can occur in high humidity conditions. Regular monitoring and proper management practices, such as removing affected parts and using phytosanitary products when necessary, help control these issues.

The propagation of Handroanthus albus is commonly done by seeds. The seeds should be sown in a light substrate and kept in an environment with good light. Germination usually occurs between 5 to 10 days after sowing, with rates over 80%. Seedlings reach an appropriate height for field transplanting after about 6 months.

About Raquel Patro

Raquel Patro is a landscaper and founder of the Since 2006, she has been developing specialized content on plants and gardens, as she believes that everyone, whether amateurs or professionals, should have access to quality content. As a geek, she likes books, science fiction and technology.